For this online lesson, our focus was on R&D, which stands for research and development. This was useful because soon we would be starting our fantasy brief, which is the first big project that we will be doing. So, why is r&d so important? Well, the first part of it – research – is a vital stage for any project. We research in order to find inspiration and generate ideas, but also to focus in on the audience: what they want, what they like and dislike, and what the previous audience types were for any examples. These are both extremely […]

The 12 Principles of Animation

This lesson began with a quick starter to recap easy ease in and out and overshooting. We hopped onto After effects to create a quick animation and remind ourselves of what we learned last week. I chose to make a star move from one point to another and then applied the easy ease functions and made it overshoot its destination. I found this easy enough and was planning on doing a second star before we ran out of time and had to move on.     The 12 principles of animation. This was our topic for the lesson and we […]