This is an ongoing blog to track my progress. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to create this blog post at the start of my project, so not all my SMART targets are recorded.
Start character concept art – draw some basic body shapes (will make up the foundations of the background characters) and finish deciding the character’s rough appearance by drawing a full-scale sketch before lunch
Status: Complete
Target 1: Complete the production formats blog post by the end of the day (do NOT post, save as draft)
Target 2: If the above is completed, start storyboarding, complete first 4 frames
Status: Target 1 – incomplete (finished post at a later date)
Target 2 – Complete
—>> Production Formats Blog Post <<—
Target 1: Gather character design inspiration and make a list of what to include in the final piece of concept art in the first 20 minutes
Target 2: If the above is completed, draw the two main character poses by the end of the lesson
Status: Complete
By the end of today, I will finish my final character concept art piece and my target audience profile
Status: Complete
[ Will link the concept design post here ]
In these four hours, I will finish my target audience blog post and start my SMART diary
Status: Complete
—>> Target Audience Blog Post <<—
–>> 🙂 This Blog 🙂 <<–
By the end of this catch-up session, I’ll have finished my project trailer. If there is time remaining, I will start my animatic and complete 5 frames
Status: Incomplete
– major technical difficulties, didn’t continue with my trailer, worked on animatic instead
Target 1: In these four hours, I will update my SMART diary with my targets from yesterday and today
Target 2: If the above is completed, I complete my project gallery blog post
Status: Complete
—>> See today’s and yesterday’s targets <<–
—>> Project Lookbook / Gallery <<—
Target 1: By the end of today, complete scene 2 and 3 of the animatic
Target 2: If the above is completed, make a start on and finish (if possible) illustration #1
Status: Complete