A mini project that we did recently was creating an ident for Confetti. This task was to be completed in teams and since we only had about a week, it was a group effort for sure. Once we were assigned to a team (groups of four), we dove in and started brainstorming right away. I made sure to write everything down and we started discussing roles and planning how we were going to present everything and keep ourselves organised. The whole process was really fun for me and really gave me a chance to work on my teamwork skills. I also made sure to take note of everything we shared with each other and did so that I could gather it all together and present it. Here is that document that I was working on for most of the project and it explains the group’s thought processes:
Panda Panda
Unfortunately, I am unable to find the final ident. Thankfully, it has been seen by a teacher, and if I manage to find the final clip, I will put a link here.