Week Six Reflection

Since my journey at Confetti is already quite underway, It would be nice to reflect on my progress so far. I remember the first week, and how daunting it seemed. I felt that college would be full of new experiences and opportunities but also a big step, which can be difficult. The lessons, however, have been so enjoyable and engaging, that any fears or doubts I had have been blown away completely. So far, we have done a lot in both animation and video editing. I have learned how to navigate After Effects, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator, and I can confidently say that I can now create basic animations, create a video from clips, and an illustrated portrait. I really liked learning about films and media in online lessons as well, and I feel that my understanding of the inner-workings of cinematography has grown so much. I found it quite fascinating to learn about VFX – things like green screen and motion tracking, but also colour theory, which were both some of my favourite lessons. But creating 2d animations and revisiting the principles has been the absolute best. I love the creative freedom that comes with being able to make an animation or drawing and I am more motivated to improve my art skills than ever before.

I think that the thing that I have most struggled with is finding time for everything. I have so many things that I want to do and balancing my plans, life at home and college work has proved to be quite a task. I need to be more organised in my schedule, and make time for skillshare, my blog but also my personal artwork at home. I want to be able to improve creatively and not just technically and I feel that that is what has been lacking in my timetable these past couple of weeks. I think I give myself unnecessary work sometimes, but it is only because I strive to understand everything to the fullest and push the boundaries of what I have learned to do. I want to be better and not just do the bare minimum. But with this determination, there comes a greater need to balance everything and not get lost in work.

By the end of the year, I hope to learn how to use photoshop and explore some of the other possibilities of illustrator. I would also really like to be able to work with the cameras and create my own footage to use in video editing. But I think that the most important thing is to improve my animations. I also have tablets at home, and I am currently learning frame by frame animation. If we could have at least one lesson on it by the end of the year, I think that I will have a greater base of understanding to build upon and expand at home. Overall, I am enjoying Confetti immensely, and I am excited for the up and coming programs and techniques we will be exploring!

2 thoughts on “Week Six Reflection

  1. This is brilliant to read, I agree – balance is so important. You are doing a fab job at Confetti Tina 🙂

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