What Went Well? »»———— ————«« One of the best things about this project was my consistency. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited and inspired by an idea, and my determination to fulfil my vision and create something amazing was what kept me going all the way through, which is not what I can […]
B2 Professional Development
Now that we’re in the half-term break and lessons have stopped, for the time being, it feels like I can take a little bit of a breather. Without having to keep up with skills & production and professional development blogs, I have more time to focus on the project, university and also making some time […]
Building a Breakdown
Another useful skill to have even if we haven’t started the brief yet is how to build a breakdown. In VFX, breakdowns are videos that show the final shot of a film scene and the pre-CGI take. They’re usually done with big blockbuster films, to give the audience an insight into what is real and […]
Photogrammetry Pt. 3
The third lesson on photogrammetry is the one where we could finally make 3D models using the data sets that we created last time. By taking photos of various objects and then converting them to PNGs, we went through the phases of ‘capture’ and ‘processing’. As I said in my last lesson, I don’t think […]
Photogrammetry Pt. 2
After learning about Photogrammetry and the basics of the process, we continue onto the next stage which is to attempt it ourselves and start running through the three main steps. We watched a really cool video that showed one of the best purposes of photogrammetry – its usefulness in film. It turns out […]
Photogrammetry Pt. 1
Photogrammetry, as its name implies, is a technique that uses a set of images to obtain 3D model data. By taking photographs from at least two different locations, ‘lines of sight’, sometimes known as rays due to their optical nature, are developed from each camera to point to the object. Their mathematical intersections when this […]
Displacement in PS & AE
In this lesson, I learned how to produce a 3D effect using a displacement map image and photo in Photoshop and After Effects. As always, we first looked at the definition of displacement, which I wasn’t sure about before. I also found a really cool gif similar to the one that was used on the […]
Thumbnailing & Storyboarding
Our outcomes this time were to explore current practices for effective thumbnailing and apply them to our work through storyboarding or concept art. I wasn’t expecting to learn a new technique today, but that’s exactly what we did! We were introduced to a handy acronym to remember when creating thumbnail sketches. Before that though, we […]
Production Management
As with both of my previous projects, scheduling and planning have been an extremely important part of production management and organisation as a whole. Self-assessment and progress tracking also proved useful and have impacted my work simply by being there for me to reference and think about. In order for everything to run as smoothly […]
Reflective Writing
In this lesson, we discussed why we use reflective writing and identified reflective writing within a given example. We also applied a reflective writing method to our own work by practising with the attached skills session from this week. First, we were asked about our opinion on what it means to be reflective. I struggled […]