This post is a proposal of my project idea and will be re-organised and categorised into titled sections when formatted for the pitch (for this post, I have grouped everything together) 《☆》★《☆》★《☆》★《☆》★《☆》 A Dreamlike Depiction of Earth’s Descent As mentioned before, my project is a surrealistic conceptualisation of concerns regarding the health […]
Author: Tina
More Representation
Like the title suggests, this is a continuance of our study on representation, primarily focused on how men are portrayed in the media since we mainly explored women’s representation in the previous lesson. We began by looking at the female gaze, which in my opinion, is surprisingly unheard of, or misunderstood. The Female Gaze – […]
Soft Select & Intro to UV Textures – Maya
Texturing in Maya seemed a daunting task to me, which is surprising since I have applied images to physical sky renders before, so I should have figured that one method of adding texture would be doing exactly that. Nevertheless, I was curious to find out how it can be done and also dabble with UV […]
Bass vs Lichtenstein
For the final lesson of the term, we had a creative session focusing on two distinct artists and how their styles can be used for design work. Saul Bass American graphic designer and filmmaker Saul Bass (May 8, 1920 — April 25, 1996) was perhaps best known for his design of film […]
Representation [Recap]
In this lesson, we focused on the ‘R’ of M.I.G.R.A.I.N.E, which stands for representation. Representation is defined as how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. Because of this, media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge and understanding of […]
Planning & Pre-vis [Continued]
Previsualization is the process of making a stripped-down version of your film/animation sequence before actually making it. Usually made within the 3D program, a previs is animated very basically, just enough to get the story across. This time, we jumped straight into the task, instead of doing any prior research because the task […]
The Morning Show – Ep. 1 Analysis
After having recapped Media Language, Genre and Narrative, we started watching a TV series as a group and applied our knowledge through an analysis of the first episode. The series that was chosen was The Morning Show and we were given a document with questions to fulfil either during or after the episode. The research below […]
Camera Skills – Green Screen Prompts
In this lesson, we shot a range of clips in the green screen/motion capture space and experimented with it in After Effects following a prompt. In my group, the prompt we received was based on the Netflix Original, Squid Game, which has recently risen in popularity massively and has become well-known on social media. […]
Bridge, Fill & Import Functions – Maya
Similarly to the structure of the previous couple of 3D lessons, we recapped a key part of one of the old sessions, learned new skills and/or techniques, and then spent the remainder of the time modeling something, most likely using said skills. Firstly, the recap. We were tasked with making a spiral staircase, to remind […]
Creating References in After Effects
So far, we have learned about pose-to-pose and straight ahead animation, and how to work with each method to produce a 2D animation. However, there is a way to combine both and potentially speed up the process and/or have more control over what is drawn. The Ideal Animation Workflow: A way to blend pose-to-pose and […]